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Book Review - Between The World And Me

Ta-Nehisi Coates’s letter to his fifteen year old son in the wake of acquittal of Michael Brown’s murderers is a masterpiece. This is by far the best book I read this year and I doubt if any other books I might read this year might beat it. I do not remember how I came across this book, where I heard or read about it, but I am glad that I did.


Obituaries 2015

I’ve never written anyone obituaries. Haven’t read many either. I do not know what the format is, if there is any. Should one be close to a person to write an obit? Should one know them intimately? Shared a coffee, had a conversation? I do not know. But I do wish to express a little about how I feel about a couple of great humans that passed away this year.


The Need for Secure Text Communication

Every human being has a right to privacy, given that we spend most of our lives online, maintaining that privacy in the digital world becomes even more important. The argument that one has to choose between privacy and security in a free world is inherently flawed. We cannot forget that privacy is freedom and a society that values security over privacy is not free at all.


Book Review - Golden Son

The Golden Son is the second book of The Red Rising trilogy by Pierce Brown. This book takes off two years after the end of events in Red Rising. I read this book immediately after finishing Red Rising. The Golden Son is a good sequel to Red Rising. Unlike the Hunger Games trilogy where each book got worse as the series progressed, this sequel is much better. The story is a as interesting as the first one. The writing exceptional.


Book Review - Red Rising

The second book I read this year after Martian is also set on Mars. Haha.. Talk about variety. This book though is a sci-fi set in the dystopian future when man has conquered all of the solar system and is colonising different planets. I’ve enjoyed the book very much. Although, it does seem to be inspired by Hunger Games and Ender’s game this book can stand on its own. I liked this book so much, I read the sequel immediately after finishing this.


Book Review - The Martian

Wow, what a book! Amazing. Loved it all the way through. The pace never slackened, the plot never boring. Andy Weir pulled off a stunner. This book had me at Mars and it had me again at stranded alone on Mars.


2015 - Looking Ahead!

Welcome to yet another year. 2014 was transformative for me. I’m hoping to continue what I started in 2014, the groundwork has been laid, now I just need to stick to the plan and execute it.


Hello World!

I’ve started so many blogs, so many times that I’ve lost count. Most of it might be because I was still trying to find myself. At this point, I think I am able to find myself, slowly, in bits and pieces. However long, slow and uneventful this has been I’m liking the process.